This is Part 51 of the El Hierro Volcano eruption report
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With the collaboration of Joke Volta, an El Hierro resident and Julio del Castillo Vivero, photographer.
Read also : (28/7 – early 09) – (25/09 – 10/10) - (11/10 – 13/10) - (14/10 – 17-10) - (18/10 – 21/10) - (22/10 – 26/10 ) – (27/10 – 31/10 ) – (01/11 – 03/11 ) - (04/11 – 06/11 ) – (07/11 – 08/11) – (09/11- 11/11) – (12/11 – 15/11) – (16/11 – 19/11) – (20/11 – 23/11) – (24/11 – 27/11) – (28/11 – 02/12) - (03/12 – 07/12) – (08/12 – 11/12) – (12/12 – 15/12) – (16/12 – 18/12) – (19/12 – 25/12) – (26/12 – 31/12) – (01/01 – 03/01) – (04/01 – 07/01) – (08/01 – 13/01) – (14/01 – 19/01) - (20/01 – 25/01) - (26/01 – 30/01) – (31/01 – 04/02) – (05/02 – 10/02) – (11/02 – 16/02) – (17/02 – 23/02) – (24/02 –29/02) – (1/03 – 10/03) – (11/03 – 18/03) – (19/03 – 23/03) – (24/03 – 28/03) - (29/03 – 03/04) – (04/04 – 10/04) – (11/04 – 21/04) – (22/04 – 30/04) – (01/05 – 10/05) – (11/05 – 31/05) – (01/06 – 14/06) – (15/06 – 24/06) – (25/06 – 26/06) – Part 47 (27/06 – 28/06) – Part 48 (29/06 – 01/07) – Part 49 (02/07 – 06/07) – Part 50 (07/07 – 31/07) – Part 51 (01/08 – 31/08) -
Useful links : @VolcanoReport – El Hierro Picasa Photo Album
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Update 31/08 – 22:07 UTC
- a second earthquake occurred at 06:12 UTC at a depth of 23 km. Magnitude : M2.4
Update 31/08 – 06:22 UTC
- 1 earthquake so far this morning, a Magnitude 1.4 at a depth of 15 km sw of El Pinar
Update 30/08 – 21:41 UTC
- 4 more “shallow” eafrthquakes (see list below)
Update 30/08 – 06:56 UTC
- 2 earthquakes so far today
Update 29/08 – 06:35 UTC
- 2 earthquakes in the deeper areas of the island so far today :
Update 28/08 – 23:55 UTC
- Another last earthquake today at a depth of 8 km, Magnitude 1.0
Update 28/08 – 18:35 UTC
- 7 earthquakes so far today – mixed depths
![Screen Shot 2012-08-28 at 20.23.24 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 27/08 – 20:45 UTC
- 4 more earthquakes bringing the total on 13 so far today.
Update 27/08 – 13:34 UTC
- It is NOT that we are laying on a beach without following El Hierro , but IGN has no other listed earthquakes after those reported below.
Update 27/08 – 08:05 UTC
- 9 earthquakes so far today. Are we entering a new swarm cycle ? All of these quakes are weak to very weak and have depths of 9 to 10 km.Area of occurrence : El Golfo
![Screen Shot 2012-08-27 at 10.08.14 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 26/08 – 23:49 UTC
- 16 more earthquakes
Update 26/08 – 09:12 UTC
- 3 earthquakes so far today
![Screen Shot 2012-08-26 at 10.49.44 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 25/08 – 22:42 UTC
- 4 more earthquake since this morning’s update including a rather strong M2.9, but this one was at a depth of 21 km. All the others were at a depth of 9 km. The total for today comes to 11 earthquakes until the time of this update.
Update 25/08 – 09:24 UTC
- A lot of action so far today. On top of 2 earthquakes to the west of Tenerife, El Hierro showed also a lot of activity including a very shallow one.
- There must be something wrong with Prof. Sagiya’s GPS stations as the graphs are empty today. These graphs are automatically loaded by the GPS data provider. If the problems persist, we will alert the University.
![Screen Shot 2012-08-25 at 11.23.42 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 24/08 – 23:55 UTC
- We have to add a last, 11th one which occurred at 23:49 UTC at a depth of 10 km with a Magnitude of 0.9
Update 24/08 – 20:40 UTC
- 4 more earthquakes this afternoon, bringing the total to 10 so far. Most of them what we consider “shallow” these days
Update 24/08 – 14:16 UTC
- A boost of activity a little before noon UTC
Except for the 12:41 UTC quake at a depth of 20 km which occurred at the western tip of the island, the quakes were epicentered in the El Golfo bauy or close to Sabinosa
![Screen Shot 2012-08-24 at 16.13.38 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 24/08 – 08:05 UTC
- 1 earthquake so far this morning. At 01:04 UTC a M1.1 earthquake at a depth of 9 km in he El Golfo bay
Update 23/08 – 21:26 UTC
- 4 new earthquakes after the 14:20 UTC update. This brings the total so far today on 8
Update 23/08 – 14:20 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes
Update 23/08 – 07:50 UTC
- 2 earthquakes listed by IGN so far today.
A M1.5 at a depth of 9 km at 00:53 in the El Golfo Bay and a M1.3 at 06:43 at a depth of 9 km close to Sabinosa. Most of the earthquakes at these depths can only be felt by people starting from M2.5 Magnitudes. Some very sensitive people start to feel shaking at M2.0 levels
- Vertical deformations are stabilized @ the PINA station and have decreased again at the Frontera station
Update 22/08 – 13:26 UTC
- In a matter of a few minutes around midnight, 3 more earthquakes. The total for today is 7.
Update 22/08 – 13:26 UTC
- We are back to the pre-June swarm earthquake numbers
One more at 09:59 at a depth of 9 km : Magnitude 1.0 – Epicenter : El Golfo bay
Update 22/08 – 07:26 UTC
- 3 earthquakes listed by IGN so far and after a series of deeper earthquakes yesterday, they are back to 9 to 10 km depth.
- Deformations inflated again to regain part of the lost mm’s from yesterday.
- Good to know about the Prof. Sagiya GPS stations. Most of the stations are automated and send regular data to the graphics very well known from this site. If an error stops such an automatic station, it can take a number of days before the ITER personnel (cooperation with Prof. Sagiya, who is himself a VIP person on GPS data collection) find the time to reactivate the station. Some of the GPS sites (JULA, FARO, SABI) are manually operated, which means that updates are episodic.
![Screen Shot 2012-08-22 at 09.28.46 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN, Spain
Update 21/08 – 23:35 UTC
- 1 more earthquake at 17:31, a M1.6 at a depth of 20 km West of Frontera (below the western part of the island)
Update 21/08 – 12:57 UTC
- 4 more earthquakes at very short interval as you can see on the image below. All of these earthquakes have been registered at depth from 16 to 20 km and all of them are very weak. A new development ? The current set of earthquakes have all been registered in the same area than the shallow 10 to 13 km quakes from a few days ago.
![Screen Shot 2012-08-21 at 14.57.33 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 21/08 – 07:11 UTC
- 1 earthquake listed by IGN this morning, A M1.7 at a depth of 11 km at 00:37 UTC
- Tremor is a bit more than normal since yesterday evening but this can be due to bad weather or malfunctioning instrument
- Concerning deformations we have to write exactly the opposite than yesterday. Both PINA and FRON Ultra Rapid data are showing a strong decrease of nearly 2 cm. The up and down movement is present since the very beginning of the action (see graphs).
Update 20/08 – 23:55 UTC
- At 23:47 a M1.8 earthquake occurred at a depth of 12 km to the West of Frontera. This makes a total of 8 earthquakes today.
Update 20/08 – 20:44 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes during the late afternoon. The first a M1.2 at a depth of 9 km in the El Golfo Bay and the second a M1.8 at a depth of 20 km at the western tip op the island.
- The GPS Ultra rapid inflation from this morning has been confirmed by the more accurate Rapid data for both PINA and FRON stations
Update 20/08 – 13:12 UTC
We are currently in the midst of a slightly changing seismicity pattern. Why ? For the past several days we have seen a lot of (mostly weak) earthquakes at a depth from 10 to 13 km, but since yesterday we see more 20 km hypocenters. The deeper quakes are mostly more powerful. The deeper earthquakes are still located at the western tip of the island (June / July swarm)
These are the last 3 earthquakes :
Update 20/08 – 13:00 UTC
It has been a while since we have showed some pictures from Joke Volta. Here a a few of her latest pictures. As there is no volcano activity to focus on, these are pictures showing the beauty of the island.
Update 20/08 – 09:44 UTC
People who are following this report somewhat longer know that we regularly refer to the vertical deformations of the stations as they are one of the important sub-signs of a possible eruption. The relative earthquake calm of the moment may be only temporary as we see vertical Ultra Rapid deformation climbing again. Although we have to say that Ultra Rapid data (black crosses) are not as accurate as Rapid data (red circles), we have seen almost no difference in between both. the Frontera station is up again on Sunday and even more today, this after a strong deflation on Saturday. Frontera station is hardly moving horizontally.
Also the PINA (Pinar station) is on the move vertically. If confirmed by the Rapid data later on, today’s increase is a little less than a cm.
If this vertical inflation trend would continue, more volcanic earthquakes would be the logical next step.
As one can see from the ups and downs during the last couple of weeks, a deflation or inflation of some mm does not have to lead to fear or panic, they are just normal behavior of a volcano.
Update 20/08 – 08:08 UTC
2 earthquakes have been listed so far today (see below)
Yesterday ended with 1 more earthquake, an earthquake measuring M1.0 at a depth of 10 km at 23:36 UTC West of Frontera
![Screen Shot 2012-08-20 at 10.02.33 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 19/08 – 23:21 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes since our latest update
a M1.9 earthquake at a depth of 20 km SW of Frontera
a M 1.3 earthquake at a depth of 10 km SW of Frontera
Update 19/08 – 17:45 UTC
- 5 volcanic earthquakes so far today
![Screen Shot 2012-08-19 at 19.46.37 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 19/08 – 08:34 UTC
- It looks like the swarm has temporarily stopped as IGN only listed 1 earthquake so far toda, a M1.5 earthquake at a depth of 12 km at 01.34 UTC. Epicenter here
- Contrary to what could be expected, the vertical deformation at Frontera has inflated again by a little less than a cm. The absolute value is still at the deformation level obtained after the strong swarm who started at the end of June.
Update 18/08 – 23:55 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes have to be added to finalize the list of the day.
1 earthquake with a Magnitude of 1.1 at a depth of 11 km West of Frontera
and a second earthquake M1.4 at a depth of 22 km West of El Pinar at a depth of 22 km. The latter was located, as could be expected, just south of the lighthouse area (June /July swarm).
Update 18/08 – 21:01 UTC
- 4 more earthquakes listed until now
Update 18/08 – 16:26 UTC
- 3 more earthquakes since our last update : 0.7, 1.4 and 1.4, depths 10, 11 and 13 km, 14:34, 14:35 and 14:58. Epicenters : 2 first in the El Golfo bay and the third below the center of the island
Update 18/08 – 13:18 UTC
- Hard to say whether the present subsiding action is real or not. Probably yes (sometimes IGN is very late in updating lists). The last 2 earthquakes had Magnitudes of 1.5 and 0.5 at depths of 11 and 9 km. Latest listed earthquake was at 10:29 UTC.
Update 18/08 – 09:24 UTC
- Those people who had subscribed to earthquake emails in Spain or the Canary Islands, received a couple of alerts during the European night. We wrote this earlier today in our earthquakes section : 3 earthquakes close to western Tenerife (Canary Islands) – The earthquakes epicenter was close to La Laguna. An ER reader specidied that the shaking of the mainshock lasted for about 5 seconds. The shaking was weakened somewhat because of the double effect of the depth (more than 20 km deep) and the location of the epicenter (below the sea bed)
- In the meantime the magma quake engine below El Hierro has started again; Contrary to what happened the last couple of days, the depth of the quakes is very different (from 3 to 37 km !), something to watch closely. The 3 km depth earthquake is very weak and can have been caused by stress in the island
- The vertical deformation at Frontera has deflated by at least 1.5 cm in 24 hours (Ultra Rapid GPS data University of Nagoya)
![Screen Shot 2012-08-18 at 11.21.25 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
Update 17/08 – 23:55 UTC
- We have ended the day at 24 earthquakes. Magnitudes from 0.9 to 1.7. Depths : 1 at 22 km (the 1.7) and the rest at 11 km. Time range : from 20:24 to 23:22.
Update 17/08 – 20:27 UTC
- 18 earthquakes until 19:15 UTC. The frequency slowed down considerably.
Update 17/08 – 15:22 UTC
- The frequency of earthquakes looks to subside for the last couple of hours. 2 more since our latest update. 1 of M0.6 at 12:06 at a depth of 10 km and a M1.8 at a depth of 9 km at 13:05. We still see at lot of micro-seismicity on the seismograms, which means that there are a lot of earthquakes but too weak to be measured.
Update 17/08 – 12:19 UTC
- Another 2 quakes have been added to the 12 reported earlier. Magnitudes (from 1.1 to M1.3) – Depths : 11 km – Timeline : 09:20 until 09:49
- The local El Hierro press is (of course) busier with the massive fires on the other islands than with the current earthquake swarm. Obviously the local press seem to look only to the +1.5 earthquakes !
Update 17/08 – 10:01 UTC
- As said in our 07:37 update, we were very surprised to see no more earthquakes after 18:11 and a restart of seismicity after midnight, even more that we saw continuous peaks on the seismogram during the late evening ! The reason : IGN had probably no personnel at hand to add the quakes (we guess that they are entered manually in the database). The 58 quakes listed now are registered up to 23:37. We do not expect any further change.
Update 17/08 – 10:01 UTC
- Another 5 quakes have been added to the 7 earlier reported. Magnitudes are going up (range from 1.1 to M2.1) – Depths : 10 to 13 km – Timeline : 06:54 until 08:39
Update 17/08 – 07:37 UTC
- A little bit to our surprise, there were no more earthquakes listed yesterday after 18:11. This brings yesterdays total on 45.
- The quakes continued though after midnight and so far today we have noticed 7 volcanic earthquakes (see list below). Epicenters are still in the same perimeter.
- Vertical deformation both at El Pinar and Frontera stations is slightly higher which corresponds with the many, mostly weak earthquakes in the El Golfo area. The SABI station (Sabinosa) of the University of Nagoya does not seem to report data anymore, a pity as almost all the current action takes place in that sector.
![Screen Shot 2012-08-17 at 09.36.21 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy IGN
![Screen Shot 2012-08-17 at 01.36.20 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Epicenter of the 10 last listed earthquakes – Image courtesy Avcan
Update 16/08 – 23:31 UTC
- So far IGN has listed 45 earthquakes today. We see on the seismogram that there are definitely some more quakes later on. They will probably be listed tomorrow morning.
Update 16/08 – 19:42 UTC
- 4 more earthquakes from M0.6 to M1.4 at a depth of 10 to 12 km (15:29 to 16:18 UTC)
Update 16/08 – 16:25 UTC
- 3 more earthquakes from M0.9 to M1.1 at a depth of 11 to 12 km (12:25 to 13:47 UTC)
- Maybe IGN could take a few courses in press reporting at GNS Science New Zealand. If an important new swarm starts, like the one today (even with weak earthquakes), an experienced volcanologist may write 5 sentences in explaining what the opinion of the organization is. Why does a body like Pevolca is to be used for volcanology ? If i would live in Sabinosa, i would love to hear a few words if continuous quakes are occurring below my house.
Update 16/08 – 13:37 UTC
- 5 more earthquakes in between M0.6 and M1.2 and at depths in between 10 and 11 km
![Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 13.48.22 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Image courtesy Avcan
Update 16/08 – 11:53 UTC
- We have to continue bringing updates on the seismicity below the island.
4 more earthquakes bringing the total on 32 today. Magnitudes from M1.0 until M1.5. Depths 10-11 km. IGN has updated his list up to 08:30 UTC
- At right a small map with the epicenters of a number of the latest earthquakes.
Update 16/08 – 09:50 UTC
- 1 earthquake has to be added since our latest update (07:29 – 11 km depth – Magnitude M 1.5)
- For your comfort, we have cut 2/3ths of this article. Parts 49 and 50 (yes 50!) have been archived. Links to all those 50 parts can be found at the bottom of this page.
- As seismicity will probably get stronger and stronger, we remind our readers that they can get an automatic email when these earthquakes are listed at EMSC (M2.5 or more). This is the text we have published in our earlier versions.
El Hierro earthquake notification in your Email (updated for El Hierro, La Palma and Tenerife) has a very speedy earthquake notification service linked the most important agencies of the world. IGN is not in our data group but EMSC is as quick as IGN in reporting earthquakes (and apparently uses IGN data). As you probably have witnessed the last couple of days, earthquakes and especially strong earthquakes are playing an important role in eruption activity. Subscribing and unsubscribing to our service is done in seconds and if an earthquake above your set level occurs a notifications is being send the next minute.
How to subscribe : Click on this Canary Islands Volcanoes – Only earthquake page – Click on the banner above this listing
Next : fill in your email address, the choice of your frequency (immediately looks logical to us) and finally the email triggering level (3 or 3.5 for volcanic earthquakes seems logical to us).
Every email send will contain an unsubscribe link.
Important : This is an opt-in subscription list and after filling and sending the form, an email will be send to confirm your subscription. This Email often lands in the spam folder (although we are definitely NO spammers). Pick it up there and please reconfirm
![Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 10.43.38 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
The latest 10 earthquake epicenters – image ourtesy Avcan
Very important Update 16/08 – 08:19 UTC – A new earthquake swarm has started below El Hierro
- For the 3th day in a row the number of earthquakes are fundamentally increasing below El Hierro. Although not official, we think that speaking of a new earthquake swarm is the only right way of describing the current set of earthquakes.
- No less than 26 earthquakes occurred this morning (from midnight UTC until 07:00 AM)
- The majority of the earthquakes are still weak, but the M2.2 from early this morning was the strongest in a while and the Magnitude pattern tends to become stronger every couple of hours.
- The CHIE seismogram is not showing a lot of action, but the M2.2 can well be seen. CHIE is not the best station at the moment to show the seismic events at his best.
- The depth is continuing around the 10 to 12 km which is a complete difference from the July swarm, but still far away from an eruption. More seismicity at lesser depths is needed to create a pre-eruptive condition. Newt to seismicity, we have also the gas analysis, the deformation, etc who will have to confirm if the present swarm will end in an eruption. The magma pressure should be powerful enough to find his way up.
- We do not know how many University of Nagoya GPS stations are still working, but we know for sure that FRON station still works and shows a vertical increase of many mm, which sounds normal after the present set of increasing earthquakes in the area.
- A reason for concern at this time should be the location of the seismicity (El Golfo Bay and Sabinosa area – including the cliffs south of Sabinosa). Landslides and rockfall may become dangerous at Magnitudes from M4 and up.
![Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 10.17.12 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Seismogram image courtesy IGN
Update 15/08 – 23:14 UTC
- 12 new (mostly weak to very weak) earthquakes. Yesterday we have put an interrogation behind “earthquake swarm”. Today we may erase this.
Update 15/08 – 14:50 UTC
- 4 more (3 new 12 km depth and 1 19 km). Amm the 12 km depth quakes were near Sabinosa, the 19 km depth quake to the west of of the western tip (location of the swarm who started at the end of June)
![Screen Shot 2012-08-15 at 21.57.47 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
Epicenters of the last earthquakes – Image courtesy Avcan
Important Update 15/08 – 14:50 UTC
- Another 5 earthquakes have to be added by the already 6 mentioned earlier on, bringing the total to 11. Depth 11 to 12 km and the depth of the 06:46 quake still stands at 6 km ! Epicenters : close to Sabinosa or in the El Golfo Bay just north of Sabinosa.
Important Update 15/08 – 08:14 UTC
- We have to add 5 new earthquakes in only 2 hours time. As written yesterday and earlier today, these are certainly no stress related earthquakes. Not powerful at all, but they have a trending which puts some action (magma action ?) at a depth of 10 to 12 km. These quakes are not powerful enough to be dangerous at the short term as well as the depth is still deep enough to not be alarmed, but something is going on down there !
The epicenter locations of these earthquakes are almost all of them in the Sabinosa part of the El Golfo bay
The latest depth of 6 km may be updated later today as this happened often in the past.
Update 15/08 – 06:09 UTC
- And we continue with another M1.3 earthquake at 04:33 UTC at a depth of 12 km West of Frontera. The earthquakes of the last 3 days and especially their depth and location are no longer a coincidence. Far too early to speak about renewed activity but if seismicity would increase at the present locations and depth the result will be totally different than what started at the end of June.
Update 14/08 – 23:46 UTC
- A third weak M0.9 earthquake occurred at 15:16 at 12 km depth and at approx. the same location than the others )
Update 14/08 – 14:06 UTC
2 new earthquakes in the same depth range than yesterday
The first at 08:00 with a Magnitude of 1.2 here at a depth of 10 km
The second at 10:53 with a weaker Magnitude of 0.9 at a depth of 11 km here
- since a couple of days we have problems in linking to the CHIE seismograms (slow and sometimes no results at all)
- we haven’t noticed last week that Pevolca changed the alerts in the Las Calmas sea to pre-alert green from Yellow. It does not change a lot except that the alerts are confirming that activity is also weak to non-existent in the Las Calmas sea. Pre-alert green is not the most basic alert, this is green. So, we are currently in a situation of almost green (until the next swarm of course).
Update 14/08 – 07:50 UTC
After the update with 6 earthquakes yesterday, everything went silent again.
Deformation data (vertical) have stabilized again.
Important Update 13/08 – 16:26 UTC
After a period of relative weak to very weak seismic activity, the magma below El Hierro looks to start another episode as we cannot relate the 6 earthquakes today as stress phenomena. The epicenter of the earthquakes were in between 10 and 14 km, which means that if seismicity today is generated by magma, we have a totally different situation than at the end of June when we constantly has epicenters below 20 km. The location of the epicenters today where also different as the majority was located in the El Golfo Bay and a few others below the island and in the Las Calmas sea.
6 earthquakes so far today is not revolutionary, but at least interesting to give it a close watch
- The seismogram at CHIE does not confirm an increase of the activity, but this can change swiftly as we know from the recent past
- The deformation data from Involcan and the Nogoya University also show an uplifting from a little less than a cm in both PINA and FRON (Ultra Rapid and we trust that the GPS data are still refreshed as it is hard to see on the graph.
- If deformation data and seismicity would continue to increase the following hours and days, we might have a new phase in the El Hierro volcano activity
![eh-1308-1 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](
IGN listed earthquakes at the time of the update
Update 12/08 – 07:26 UTC
NO earthquakes so far today
Update 11/08 – 23:35 UTC
- 1 earthquake at 12:43 UTC. Magnitude M2.0 Depth : 11 km Epicenter : Close to the El Golfo coast. This El Golfo hypocenter depth was approx. the feeder depth of the first active period, but we had much more earthquakes at the time.
Update 11/08 – 12:37 UTC
- NO earthquakes so far today
- The day before yesterday something funny happened during the White Island volcano New Zealand eruption (or rather activity). Local people at Whakatane were reporting increased activity of the White Island volcano (the island is located close to the coast). They had noticed some severe lightnings above the volcano. The scientists were puzzled and if asked by journalists this may have been caused by the static electricity in the emitted volcanic ash. Reporters, who are now focused on everything which is linked to the eruption, brought the news with bold titles. 1 day later GNS Science published a report that it was a lightning storm 50 km behind the volcano island. The quantity of ash in the air was not big enough to trigger such lightnings.
(earthquake in Iran happened)
This story reminds us at the “fire in the sea” sequence. Most of us were thinking that magma was burning on the water, but in fact it was a tanker in the distant sea burning (probably illegally) some waste oil.
Update 10/08 – 07:40 UTC
- 1 earthquake so far today, a M 1.5 at a depth of 23 km to the SW of El Pinar (2011 crater zone)
Update 09/08 – 23:00 UTC
- A third earthquake happened at 07:11 at a depth of 14 km. Magnitude M1.8. Epicenter here
Update 09/08 – 08:29 UTC
- 2 very weak earthquakes since midnight
00:16:46 Depth 17 km M 0.9 SW FRONTERA
06:23:35 Depth 11 km M 0.5 W FRONTERA
- The island is deflating strongly at the Pina and Fron GPS stations (last Ultra rapid data)
Update 08/08 – 23:55 UTC
- IGN has not changed the depth of the 01:37 earthquake. Because no other events were reported in the same area, we maintain our opinion that the earthquake was triggered by deformation stresses.
- A second earthquake occurred at 11:12 at a depth of 21 km. Magnitude : M1.6. Epicenter (as the depthgives a clue, just south of the lighthouse)
Update 08/08 – 01:37 UTC
- 1 somewhat stronger earthquake at 01:37 and even more special, the depth of 3 km. As there is no real gradual uprising of the hypocenters, this depth maybe recalculated and later changed by IGN. Based on the location of the epicenter the origin of this earthquake maybe stress related and not as a result of infiltrating magma.
Magnitude M2,4 Epicenter here
Update 07/08 – 23:30 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes have been listed by IGN. The shallower M1.0 occurred close to the 2011 active vent.
20:35:50 Depyh 10 km M 1.0 SW EL PINAR
21:52:07 Depth 19 km M 1.2 SW FRONTERA
Update 07/08 – 10:21 UTC
An article in Diario El Hierro reports about some findings of the University of La Laguna. The professor indicates that eruption material from El Hierro is among the strongest eruption radioactive material known so far. Click here to read this (Spanish) article.
- Pevolca has changed the alertt level of the south western tip of the island again to green. It was changed into Yellow after the many strong earthquakes. Yellow is maintained at the vent in the Las Calmas sea.
Update 07/08 – 09:38 UTC
- 2 earthquakes so far today
01:18:53 Depth 10 km M 1.2 SW FRONTERA
05:20:31 Depth 20 km M 1.8 SW FRONTERA
Update 06/08 – 13:33 UTC
- 2 earthquakes so far tday
The first earthquake occurred at 11:34 at a depth of 22 km and had a Magnitude of 1.7, here
The second earthquake occurred at 11:41 at a depth of 23 km and had a Magnitude of 2.0, here
- No special deformations to report
- Involcan has succeeded in getting into a scientific paper (Geophysical Research Letters) with their precursor data of the 2011 eruption. Involcan’s chemical sampling station detected higher H2S and CO2 values. Read about it here (Facebook Involcan). The article itself (published in English) looks once again to be locked behind close doors and that only a small extract is in the open Internet ….
Update 05/08 – 22:17 UTC
- 1 M2,0 earthquake occurred at 19:41 UTC at a depth of 22 km West of El Pinar
Update 05/08 – 17:17 UTC
- NO earthquakes so far today
Update 04/08 – 23:35 UTC
- 2 more earthquakes later on.
12:39:55 Depth 18 km M 1.7 SW FRONTERA
18:01:33 Depth 12 km M 1.3 W FRONTERA
Update 04/08 – 09:12 UTC
- 2 earthquakes so far today
07:14:21 Depth 19 km M 2.1 W EL PINAR
07:50:31 Depth 10 km M 1.5 SW EL PINAR
- Nothing special to report about the deformations
Update 03/08 – 23:55 UTC
- A third more powerful M2.7 earthquake happened at 22:34 UTC at a depth of 20 km. Epicenter here
Update 03/08 – 17:30 UTC
- A second weak earthquake occurred at 14:45 UTC at a depth of 11 km. Magnitude 0.8. Epicenter in the direct 2011 vent area.
Update 03/08 – 10:21 UTC
- 1 earthquake so far today. A very weak one which occurred at 04:59 at a depth of 20 km with a Magnitude of 0.9. Epicenter here.
Update 02/08 – 07:58 UTC
- Yesterday was an earthquake free day at El Hierro according to IGN 10-day earthquake list (M1.5 or more). The full list indicates however a M1.3 earthquake at a depth of 14 km at 10:48 UTC here
- At 02:04 today a M1.8 earthquake occurred at a depth of 21 km to the south of the lighthouse in the Las Calmas sea
- Vertical or horizontal deformations are showing a further stabilizing or have a tendency to decrease.
- Joke told us that a very informative page on the geology of Spain (in Spanish). It includes a number of graphics showing the birth of the Canary Island. Click here to read it.
- The video below was presented at a local Canary Island TV station and shows the very fast revival of the ocean around El Hierro. Great news for the many divers who like to enjoy these waters.
Read also : Scientific paper reveals massive historic Tenerife volcano flank collapse
Read also: Economic impact on El Hierro and the Canary Islands if an aerial eruption would occur
Volcano Discussion Panel : If you are a person who wants to discuss and read about all aspects of volcanoes, this discussion panel might be a very good place to hang around. Especially if we start speculating about what to happen next.
![El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31 El Hierro Volcano eruption (Canary Islands) : Part 51 – August 1 until August 31](