“È così difficile stare dentro le scarpe di una donna sola... per questo ne servono di veramente speciali... per camminare un po' più allegramente [dal film "Sex and the City"].
Scarpe e borse sono il desiderio di ogni donna. Alzi la mano chi non ha mai desiderato un armadio pieno di scarpe come quelli di Sex and the City! Ed è proprio per questo che oggi vorrei parlarvi dei trend del momento in fatto di calzature, consigliandovi uno shop online portoghese, Escapeshoes.com, specializzato nella vendita di scarpe e nel è possibile trovare calzature di brand noti e di tendenza a prezzi davvero contenuti!Ecco una selezione delle scarpe in voga per questa estate 2014 e che potete acquistare su Escapeshoes.com:
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-1j0get.png)
1- Birkenstock - I sandali comodissimi per lui e per lei, diventati un must dell’estate, da indossare al mare o in città, nelle varianti semplici o floreali.
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-TSjmkj.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-GpaJH6.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-cSX78t.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-ljJWmV.jpeg)
2- Fly London – i sandali colorati e fashion che tutte le ragazze vogliono avere.
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-yeq_d0.jpeg)
3. Vans - Le sneakers del momento, in diversi colori e fantasie, adatte per tutti i giorni.
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-elr43D.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-CWvSAp.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-K8dNtB.jpeg)
4 - Ugg – brand versatile per l’estate e l’inverno.
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-35IaHw.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-0irbbR.jpeg)
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-4mrcWh.jpeg)
5. Cubanas – un brand di sandali portoghesi nata nel 2005.
![Footwear tendency Footwear tendency](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/234/2348324/footwear-tendency-L-gnTCi9.jpeg)
Se vi ho incuriosito, cliccate su www.escapeshoes.com ed iniziate il vostro shopping!
EN. "It's so hard to stay inside the shoes of a woman alone ... that's why they need a really special pair... to walk a little more cheerfully [ from the movie" Sex and the City "]
Shoes and handbags are the desire of every woman. Raise your hand if you have ever wanted a closet full of shoes such as Sex and the City actresses! It is precisely for this reason that today I talk to you about the trend of the moment when it comes to footwear, by suggesting a Portuguese online shop, Escapeshoes.com, specializing in the sale of shoes and you can find well-known and trendy footwear brands with really low prices!
Here is a selection of shoes in fashion for this summer 2014, that you can buy on Escapeshoes.com :
1 - Birkenstock- comfortable sandals for him and for her, are a must of the summer, to wear to the beach or in the city, in the variants or simple flowers.
2 - Fly London- sandals and colourful fashion that all girls want to have.
3 . Vans - the sneakers of the moment, in different colours and patterns, suitable for every day.
4 - Ugg- versatile brand for summer and winter.
5 . Cubanas - a Portuguese brand of sandals born in 2005
If I have intrigued you, Click Escapeshoes.com and start your shopping !
This last one, where it says “Click Escapeshoes.com”, there should be this link: www.escapeshoes.com.
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