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But now, let’s have a deeper look into this category, so you can also understand how it was hard for me, since the Circle Shaped Woman is complicated to describe. Her shoulders and hips are of the same size: there is no waistline, but she has slim and thin legs. All her fats are not stored in this area but in the waistline, that is under the breast and the hip and only in a second time in the bottom. Even when she is thin, the bones of her hip are wide and she can seem to be a table than a circle. When her weight increases, her body shape is associated to the apple, because the weight increases the waistline that is already marked. Therefore, it will be necessary to divide the Circle Shaped Woman in two categories: the Circle Shaped Woman with a second or first size breast and the curvaceous Circle Shaped Woman and, as a consequence, two different ways to dress the right items, depending on their thinnest (table) or weight (apple). In both cases, the Circle Shaped Woman has thin legs and, therefore, this is the main focus for all the items she will dress. In case the woman is a table and a little breast, she can take inspiration from the Rectangle Shaped Woman. On the contrary, she can take only a part of inspiration from the Inverted Triangle Shaped Woman, since she has different proportions and a wider hip. It’s evident that the division into subgroups based on the breast size is meaningful, since the dresses will fit in two different ways, depending on the cases. But since I don’t want to make distinctions, I’ll only speak about the Apple Shaped Woman (curvy and not curvy) when she is in good form, with a bit of weight in the waistline, by concentrating on the Apple Shaped Woman in strong difficult with her silhouette when she has to find some clothes, leaving out the Hourglass Shaped Woman with her curves decreased by the diet and the gym addicted Pear Shaped Woman. I hope the thin Apple Shaped Woman can take the inspiration from the Rectangle Shaped Woman and the Inverted Triangle Shaped Woman but I can’t exclude to talk about this subject in the future.
Let’s have a deeper look on the main point to emphasise and those to hide. Both categories must focus on their legs; this means not to expose them totally, but showing them with skirts and half thigh dresses, shoes with particular heels and weave stocks. All that can catch the attention in this area is good. Nevertheless, there are some troubles for trousers, the opposite of the Pear Shaped Woman: right in the legs but tight in the waistline. Having a quite large hip, but not a waistline, it’s necessary to access if the trousers tight at the bottom are recommended, in order to avoid the Triangle effect that widens the hip.
Here you have in detail the best models for the Apple Shaped Woman.
Overcoats: right side short coats, bell bottomed, till the hip. Avoid the double breast coat if this is abundant and prefer in any case the models with vertical sewing, v neck models, without abundant or stitched necks, in dark tones or above all neutral. Avoid all the coats beyond the half tie or those that hide your legs. It’s better to avoid belts in the waist that can hug the silhouette. Mantels are good, but only till the hips and in a heavy, not much flared fabric.
Dresses: for both categories, the short dresses are recommended; the ideal length is half thigh. If the breast is abundant, all the Imperial style clothes are recommended, possibly a little bit flared or the hugging ones with a high waistline. If the breast is little, the tunic dresses and the trapezoid ones are good, as long as they are neither excessively flared, nor made up of a soft or wavy fabric. Those who have a little breast can put on Imperial style dresses, but those with an abundant one must avoid the tunic dresses, unless they adapt them with a belt under the breast. Both categories must avoid flashy fantasies, horizontal lines, flares or details that give volume. Avoid also the clothes that are too tight in the waistline and those with a wide flared skirt.
Skirts: Excellent ally for an Apple Shaped Woman, because they allow to expose her thin legs, by focusing the attention on this area. The only problem is to choose the model that fit and hug the silhouette in a good way. Be careful to the length: the half thigh skirts (the shorter ones would enlarge the hip) are more indicated, the knee length ones will be permitted but the longer ones can make the figure heavier, like it was a monolith. An Apple Shaped Woman would be more at ease with a low waist skirt, while a skirt above the navel can create some problem of size, since it is tight in the waist and wide in the hips. The best models are the tight skirts or slightly flared; avoid all that creates volume in the hip, while a bubble skirt, not so wide, will be good. A flared skirt will make your legs too thin and enlarge the rest of your body.
Shorts: shorts are strongly recommended to the Apple Shaped Woman. It’s necessary to select the models that are not very short, in order to show the legs without emphasising the hip. The turn-up shorts and the high waist shorts (if you find the well tailored size for you) are perfect.
Trousers: As I reminded before, the troubles the Apple Shaped Woman has with trousers is that when they fit in the waist, they are wide in the legs and vice versa. For this reason, I recommend to choose right side jeans or trousers, neither tight at the bottom, not flared. The bell bottomed are good, but slightly. Being forced to buy a 44 size despite her slim legs, if she chooses a very flared model, her legs will be “floating” inside the trouser. Be careful also to all the models that are too tight at the bottom and adherent. They would be better for slim and long legs but, since the hip of this kind of silhouette is not small, the tight bottom trouser will enlarge it further, so use them only with a top beyond the hip. Avoid the riding breeches or the masculine cut trousers, pleat front, tight at the bottom, because they would enlarge the hip.
Blouse: we could think that the Apple Shaped Woman has the same troubles of the Hourglass Woman ant the Inverted Triangle Woman for blouses, above all if her breast is abundant. But this is not true. The fact that her bust is proportioned to her breast size, leads her to find the model that fits to her. She must avoid the voluminous models, flares and flashy fantasies. If her breast is abundant, she must choose blouses that are not flared and in any case, v models or vertical weave models.
T-shirts: In this case, the best models are considerably different, depending on the breast size. For those with an abundant breast, it’s better to choose all the Imperial models o those that hug the breast and then go slightly flared. On the contrary, more freedom to choose for those with a little breast that must avoid the models with an elastic at the bottom, big appliqués and horizontal fantasies. In both cases, the v neck gets the figure thinner, but avoid the deepest ones, not to emphasize the shoulders. If you decide to dress a large t-shirt with a belt, this must be thin and placed under the breast, but only if you have an abundant breast.
Sweaters: even in this case, the models are different, depending on the breast size, but not on their length. In fact, the Apple Shaped Woman has not to avoid all the models till the hips. It’s important that they are flared and not hugging; for instance, a buttoned cardigan just under the breast emphasize the slim legs. Avoid the heavy stitching sweaters and the appliqués in both cases. The large and tight sweaters, not tight at the bottom, are good only if they hug your body, even better if opened and tied under the breast with a belt or a button. Those with an abundant breast have to choose the last model, but also the other ones, as long as they must not be very large.
Leggings and Stocks: You cannot believe me, but an Apple Shaped Woman can put on the leggings. Maybe they will not be tailored on them like in a woman with a small hip, but the lack of defects in the hips and the slim leg will be emphasised by the coloured leggings. It’s better to wear them with something that covers the hips, dark coloured, in order to minimize the point where the leggings widen the hip. The coloured stocks and the fantasy weaves will be good, and catch the attention on your main strong point.
Shoes: if your legs are very long and thin, avoid the very thin and high heeled shoes, to minimize this effect. Avoid also the thick models with tight bottomed trousers and those with a very large ankle strap. After all, any shoe is allowed.
The peculiarity of this kind of body shape is such, that it’s very important to find a template to find the inspiration. I already follow an American blogger, whose blog is named Lulu Letty, very trim and almost poetic for her wonderful photos. This girl, Maria, is an Apple Shaped Woman, where you can take the inspiration. You can also find her in the blog Delightful Dozen.
Per la traduzione devo ringraziare Cristina, una traduttrice legale e non che potete contattare all'indirizzo [email protected]
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