"Out Couture" is a project born with Francesco Morandin and PlusG, posted on our pages from few months now. You all know the purpose of the project: to make fashion accessible to all. This month, the protagonist of the service's me with the clothes from Sisley Underwear! To make it even more 'beautiful scene even my friends drag queen, Sally Chemist, Erik Strauss, Amanda Wiborowa and Eliana Smonti took part! Tomorrow the backstage video!
Out Couture è un progetto nato in collaborazione con Francesco Morandin e PlusG, ormai presente sulle nostre pagine da diversi mesi.Tutti conoscete lo scopo del progetto, ovvero il rendere la moda accessibile a tutti. Questo mese la protagonista del servizio sono proprio io con i capi di Sisley Underwear! A rendere ancora piu' bella la scena anche le mie amiche drag queen, Sally Chemist, Erik Strauss, Amanda Wiborowa e Eliana Smonti! Domani il video backstage!
Special thanks to: Sisley Underwear- Designer Rubina Gobbo- Modella Claudia e Laura -Makeup & Hair StylistSally Chemist - Drag QueenEliana Smonti - Drag QueenAmanda Wiborowa - Drag QueenErik Strauss - Performer PlusG Fashion Agency - Support