Magazine Cultura
(ENG) Legend is that Down colorful hill, neither more nor less, was the demo that singer and guitarist Mark Kozelek took to 4AD label, looking for a contract. Not a bad demo, thinking that this album is perfect. He's only 6 songs, and yet not a single note could be played more. It starts from the bottom, where the dark despair of 24 does not seem to find care; a depressed Kozelek tells his stories from the perspective of the helpless, apathetic viewer. Slowly the music becomes more lively, driven now by a repetitive but fascinating bass (Medicine Bottle), now by a funeral march (down colorful hill), until it reaches the catharsis in the vibrant folk-rock of Lord kill the pain. The closure of Michael, a classic American folk, is the litmus test for the next album. This work, so measured and essential, is one of the greatest masterpieces of the '90s.5/5
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